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I bet you think this BLOG is about you!, Alabama, United States
I'm an extroverted flame dame with a shiny nice girl exterior. Commonly Refered to as the resident Attention Whore. My main goal in life is to become famous and I'd appreciate it if you'd watch me do me....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy New Yeat Baabbbbyyy!!

So 2010 rolled in like a 18 wheeler and I had to throw my ass into overdrive to keep up. I've been working and partying nonstop. I set a few goals for this bright and shiny new year.. some similar to the years before and some a lil different: Lose weight, but gain more independence. Exercise my body , but also find ways to exercise my mind. DO 5 things I've NEVER done before. I have no idea what they will be.. maybe one will be actually complete a resolution LOL. I miss my friends so much it hurts.. but everything is starting to hurt a lil less these days. I think I'm growning up?